Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Raksha Bandhan

It was raksha bandhan yesterday and Pranav received his first post. It was a rakhi posted by Sonali. The photos shows the rakhi his sister Aishwarya sent from Pune. Incidently, Pranav completed 10 months yesterday. Click here to find how Google calculates that in days. how time flies.

Been listening to Bob Dylan whole day to get inspiration. The song goes like this...
Wish I could play the guitar or the mouth organ. :(

Friday, August 24, 2007

Experiments in Web2.0 - Integrating my blog with Google, Amazon, Feedburner

I succeeded in adding my Amazon Wishlist to the blog template that I use(see left pane). I did this by burning my feed with FeedBurner and allowing them to post a template(the Chicklet Chooser) onto my blog page. I then tweaked the resulting HTML snippet and added the Amazon Wishlist HTML snippet. Also added Google AdSense on the left pane so that I can earn some revenue from my blogging and hoping that it drives traffic to my blogs. I also enabled these feeds to be redirected to FeedBurner so that I can analyze Statistics. These blogs are now mirrored on FeedBurner. While researching this, I hit upon the Official Google Blog and Google Analytics.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Pranav, originally uploaded by koolkarni_ash.

My chiklet. Ah - A lazy Sunday afternoon at Hubli and I finally subscribed to a flickr Pro account by shelling out $25 (see how Google converts US Dollars to Indian Rupees) and linked it to my blogger account. Now, I can upload unlimited snaps onto flickr and blog them to blogger. howzzaattt. This snap was taken from my Kodak analog camera.

Pranav logged a whopping 469X4=1856Kms of travel in the past 4 months with two trips to Dharwad and back. Preparations are on for the next visit in a fortnight's time - for his Jawla(Mundan).

Friday, August 3, 2007

Pulse Polio

I was searching about the Pulse Polio immunization drive after I saw a TV commercial on Zee TV which said that there is a Polio drive organized on Aug 5. I came across these ads on the subject starring AB: दो कदम - दो बूँद जिन्दगी के ! and पोलियो के बूथ में इतने क़ुम लोग !
This one is too good: Two drops is all it takes - Eradicate Polio