Tuesday, July 31, 2007

070707 - Saturday of the Sevens

The newspapers said it is a unique date - one which falls once in 1000 years. Well, it was the day Pranav attended his first birthday party - in fact two birthday parties - back to back. It began with Samarth's(Vijay Ballary's son) 1st birthday and it was a lunch party at Pai Viceroy at Jayanagar. This was followed by a dinner at the same place (yes - Pai Viceroy again - what a coincidence). This time it was Khushi's (Harsha's daughter; Harsha is a colleague at HP) Birthday party - she turned three. Got a chance to introduce Deepa to my current manager Partha, his wife and his two kids. We also met Ritesh Maheshwari, his wife and their daughter.

(From L to R: Shweta, Raashi, Ritesh, Harsha, Khushi, Manasa, Deepa, Pranav, Me)

Talking about the date: it was slated to be the biggest wedding date in history by TheKnot.com. It reminds me how I would remember to watch the odometer of my scooter as it rolled over to zeroes when it reached the thousandth or any catchy sequence of digits.

Thirteen months from now, we shall have another chance when August 8, 2008, written as 08-08-08, rolls around — eight being considered in Chinese culture to be even more auspicious than seven is in the West. The Beijing Olympics begin this day.

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