Friday, April 6, 2007

Flickr 'em

I'm planning to upgrade my flickr account to a Pro Account and flickr all the snaps for posterity. Who knows when my hardisk crashes. This would cost me $24.95 bucks (convert it googleishtyle Holy smokes ! Flickr says that's cheap. I love their tag cloud feature so I'm going to shell out that money huh! Here's how my flickr tag cloud looks like: It's interesting to watch a cloud that shows places/people who have touched my life. Looking at the cloud I realized that I don't see many people I would expect to; people who I meet digitally on a daily/weekly/monthly basis; like Vadi or Sirisha or Vijayeendra.

Was wondering what would happen a 1000 years from now। Would historians and archealogists do digital digging to unearth all this digital footprint we are leaving behind?
SecondLife historians out there, business opportunity for you.

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