Monday, June 9, 2008

Pranav Plucks Jamuns

Sheeresh and Divya were plucking Jamuns while Pranav watched excitedly shouting "Daadaa" & "Akka". Deepa made the most of this "attraction" to feed him tuppa anna. Then, this country maid came by selling nerle (Jamuns called in Kannada) in a wicker basket. She was selling jamuns for 5 Rupees per chitte (which is a small can). Dad bargained and she sold two chitte for 10 Rupees. Naturally, the kids weren't interested in the nerle purchased, but the ones they were plucking on their own; reminded me of my childhood when we plucked nerle, mangoes, peru and another fruit which I can't remember now (it was bean shaped and spiral and you need to peel of the outer green layer and eat the inner white core).

Later in the evening, we took an auto to visit akla ajji - badi ajji (great grandma) at Jamkhandi Compound. We met baby Aryan - Meera Maushi's grandson.

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